If your current medical billing practices are outdated and/or you have an inexperienced staff, cash flow, medical insurance reimbursement and revenue issues can be dramatically impacted. Sometimes this resistance to change is motivated by sense of duty to loyal employees – even if this results in major financial and emotional stress and an ongoing struggle to make a profit. Some doctors will actually dip into their own savings and borrow against property to stay afloat and maintain status quo.
Physicians really can practice medicine without financial stress or being disloyal to their staff. This can be accomplished with medical billing services and Electronic Medical Record (EMRs) that automates billing operations, saves money, eliminates human error in submitting claims, assures compliance with coding and reimbursement requirements and provides clear and easy-to-understand reports for determining the most effective medical billing strategies.
360 Medical Billing Solutions provides comprehensive billing services to physician groups around the United States with no upfront costs.